Mumpreneur Series – Featuring – Mini bella boutique
Mumpreneur Questions
Tell us your start up story? How and when did you begin?
For many moons I dreamt of having my own business, with working full-time I never knew where to begin or have the time to start thinking about creating my own business.
I put myself through college at Dublin Business School at night time to get a better understanding of different key area’s in running a business.
While on Maternity Leave in 2016, the idea & creation of Mini Bella Boutique came to me.
I had my beautiful baby girl Sophia & like many new moms its life changing. In the early weeks of being a new mom I thought I could do it all, shop, cook, clean. It was just coming up to Christmas and I thought I have to get Christmas done. We ventured out to the shopping center on the busiest day of the year of course. It was a disaster for both me and Sophia. Sophia couldn’t feed, she was so upset, I was so upset. Running into the chemist asking for help what was wrong? Absolutely nothing, Sophia was uncomfortable, she wasn’t in her home environment. I felt like the worse mom ever. I just thought never ever again.
And with that I created an online space where new moms, grandparents, aunties, uncles could sit back relax, at nap times of course and shop. For comfortable, stylish & a little bit different baby & toddler clothes in the comfort of their own home. With no stress of public transport, shopping centers queues etc etc.
With determination & some research a couple of months later, Mini Bella Boutique was opened live from my kitchen table…
Mini Bella Boutique has been opened since July 2016.
How did you fund your business?
I started off very small with a little loan from my mam. I purchased my 1st stock order and I remember saying to my mam oh god, what am I doing. She said Go for it!! I’ve self funded Mini Bella Boutique since.
What would be the main challenges you face running your own business?
The main challenges for me is splitting my time, and finding a work life balance, family time, friends etc.
I’m what they call a part-time entrepreneur, I still work full time in my 9-5-day job. The dream is to go full time with Mini Bella Boutique.
One day (finger crossed) So my evenings & weekends are super busy. I love it but its challenging to say the least.
What keeps you motivated?
I’ll list these for you here.
- My Daughter Sophia
- My Partner & Family their belief & support in me & my business.
- When I see repeat customers supporting Mini Bella Boutique over & over. Huge Thank you. They know who they are…
- Just when you think, Oh this is a crap week, and just like that you receive & msg or a tag or a order. from one of my repeat customers or my continued support from brand rep Dee https://www.instagram.com/deehollhan/. My guidance. she rock’s.
- Also from follow online business and or mom bloggers who give you a shout out on social media for no reason at all. It gives me a kick up the backside anyway.
What is the best thing about running your own business?
That is mine, my heart, my soul goes into my business. I’m building it from nothing and that I’m lucky enough to have the support around me to let me do this.
How do you keep a work life / balance? juggle childcare?
I’m very lucky with the support of my partner & my parents & family.
What are you most proud of?
I’m so proud of so many things, from my 1st order to reaching over 3000 followers on our Facbook & Instagram.
I’m most proud of my amazing brands who for some I have introduced to Ireland for the 1st time.
One year after opening I had a stall at Ireland Pregnancy & Baby Fair. Roll on next year 2018..
What are your goals for your business?
My goal for my business is to continue to grow, build my brand, introduce new brands throughout 2018. Oh and for me work full time on my business & I can spend as much time at home with my family. Support the dream.
If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Just go for It. Believe in what you are doing & take the risks. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.
You can find Minibellaboutique on….
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Minibellaboutique/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/minibellaboutique/
Website – www.minibellaboutique.ie
